The building is 6-storey tall which brings in a gymnasium, a fitness center, a black box theatre, a visual arts studio, an art gallery, an outdoor bas ...
Ennead Architects has recently celebrated the completion of the steel core of a new 295,000-square-foot Biological Sciences Building (BSB) and Museum ...
The Government of the United Kingdom and competition organizer Malcolm Reading Consultants have announced the ten architect teams selected to envisio ...
The monochrome graphic system that the late Otl Aicher created for the German town of Isny im Allgäu features in an exhibition at this year\'s Lond ...
The world is full of architectural fake overs, from individual facades to entire buildings designed to look like something other than what they reall ...
Years ago in McAllen, Texas, an old abandoned 124,500-square-foot Walmart superstore was renovated and put to new use as the largest single-floor pub ...
Before it was abandoned in the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Pripyat was a thriving Ukrainian city with a population of nearly 50,000. The ...
In the 1950s, Malcolm McLean developed a modular design that would simplify the loading and offloading of ships, boxing up goods for easier loading a ...
For much of history, urban planning as we know it didn’t exist. Sure, there were cities with zoning ordinances and building codes, but ones th ...
Los champiñones y las setas son alimentos que tienen pocas grasas e hidratos de carbono pero son ricos en minerales y vitaminas y, como tienen poco s ...
En abril las plantas tienen mucha energía ya que están creciendo y floreciendo gracias a una temperatura más benigna y más horas de luz para poder ...
 Si estás suscripto a mi blog y deseas seguir estándolo, no dejes de leer este email.Suscripción a la NewsletterView this email onlineHola, soy ...
Viajamos hasta Barcelona, a la antigua Casa de la Convalescència, actual sede del Instituto de Estudios Catalanes donde se halla este jardín vertica ...
Antes de que te hagas la pregunta, me adelanto y te cuento que no tiene ningún colorante añadido. El color de esta crema es totalmente natural como ...
¿Sabías que..."Â "...La Comisión Europea estima que cada año se desaprovechan en el mundo, más de 1.300 millones de toneladas de alimentos, es ...
Junio es un mes espectacular tanto para nuestro jardín como para nuestro huerto.Todas las plantas están en pleno crecimiento pero a la vez tenemos l ...
Hoy os quiero contar una tarea que llevo realizando desde hace ya mucho tiempo. Quizás porque no era un artículo muy elegante ni las fotografías ...
Esta primavera el Colegio Público C.E.I.P. Gonzalo de Berceo de Villamediana inauguró su huerto escolar realizado y cuidado tanto por los profesores ...
Continuando con nuestro paseo por el Vivero Raíces, esta vez nos dedicamos a las aromáticas que podemos encontrar y adquirir en esta época del año ...
En este reportaje fotográfico quiero mostraros algunos de los arbustos y árboles, tanto frutales como ornamentales, que se encuentran disponibles pa ...
La primavera se anuncia a viva voz con el estallido de las flores de los ciruelos y los almendros que transforman no sólo el paisaje sino también nu ...
Si miramos a nuestro alrededor nos daremos cuenta de que estamos rodeados de objetos construidos con madera ya que la utilizamos para múltiples fines ...
Hay una técnica que se utiliza para forzar la floración de los bulbos llamada "cultivo forzado". Consiste en provocar un invierno artificial que ...
El año pasado por estas fechas había publicado en este mismo blog un artículo sobre el acolchado o mulching que podéis encontrar en este enlace:Â ...
Aunque la col sea pequeña, sus hojas se enrollan de una forma tan precisa y comprimida que muy rara vez tendremos una col lombarda de menos de 1 kg d ...
¿Zapallitos" ¿Qué es eso" Me preguntan. Pues... unos calabacines redondos que son ideales para hacer rellenos justamente por su forma esférica. ...
Hace una semana he tenido la fortuna de poder pasear por la encantadora ciudad asturiana de Gijón. Muchos son los atractivos que podemos encontra ...
Esta hortaliza, que es de origen mediterráneo, pertenece a la especie brasicáceas o crucíferas al igual que la berza, la coliflor, el colinabo ...
El invierno pasado no puse habas como solía hacerlo todos los años sino que lo aplacé hasta la siguiente primavera y en marzo me dispuse a sembrarl ...
La albahaca es una aromática que hay que sembrar todos los años en primavera por eso es muy importante no olvidarnos de guardar las semillas al f ...
Mayo es un mes lleno de vida y color en nuestros jardines y huertos.Casi todo lo que plantemos crecerá y prosperará porque el clima más templado ha ...
He querido compartir con vosotros el proceso de adecentar un pequeño terreno de 50 m2, espacio suficiente, si se administra correctamente, para que u ...
La primavera ha llegado al fin y dan ganas de renovar nuestro balcón, terraza y jardín con las hermosas plantas llenas de vitalidad, aroma y color q ...
Hace un año atrás escribía sobre los cuidados que tendríamos que aplicar al jardín y al huerto en este mes de marzo, mes del año que anuncia la ...
Presented at the 2016 Venice Architecture Bienalle, these new communities are designed to be entirely self-reliant, recycling their own waste, genera ...
Could ?superblocks? help Barcelona return to its late-19th-century vision of urban utopia, clearing out the snarled streets so mini neighborhood bloc ...
Though typically seen as eyesores obscuring architecture and blocking sidewalks, scaffolding is more than its most basic function, with its modular ...
The BOK Tower in Tulsa, Oklahoma, looks uncannily like the vanished Twin Towers of the New York City skyline and this is neither accidental nor coinc ...
Rendered obsolete by technology, hundreds of abandoned Fotomat drive-thru photo development kiosks still stand in suburban shopping center parking lo ...
An understated but award-winning Modernist dwelling design in São Paulo, Brazil, has turned a narrow lot into a lovely and low-cost habitat suite ...
Entire Italian villas spin in circles on wheels, solar-powered shades follow the sun, rooms zoom up into the air on telescopic stilts and windowless ...
The thrill is gone and so are the thongs! These 15 closed & abandoned lingerie shops have nobody else to blame for their sagging level of support. ...
Florida may be America’s Sunshine State but these odd abandoned wonders reveal a darker side to the land of oranges, alligators and retirement ...
A new type of see-through glass brick used in this Dutch building facade aims to bridge traditional brick with transparency; the assembled bricks hav ...
In the early 2000s, the city of Glasgow, Scotland, changed over to blue street lighting in an effort to improve the appearance of the city, but area ...
A temporary installation to commemorate the rebuilding of the city after the second world war, this massive staircase made from scaffolding will lead ...
Once vital threads in the fabric of Americana, these abandoned fruit & produce stands no longer entice hungry travelers into making roadside pit stop ...
An angular affair of wood and glass, this proposed skyscraper is designed to reach nearly 1,000 feet in the air and, if it goes forward, will be the ...
Edging out the record-holding Burj Khalifa by just a hair, the world?s tallest tower is set to rise into the Dubai skies by 2020 as the crown jewel o ...
Abandoned bowling alleys lie scattered across the landscape as if the gods of recreational sports had laid ’em low with a single thunderous st ...
All of our automotive infrastructure is designed around the needs of human drivers, but in a world of driverless cars, a crossroads need not slow any ...
The mysterious eight-story stacked cabin house spotted among the trees in a remote area of Alaska is even cooler than previously thought, now that fi ...
Hong Kong has inspired so many iconic images of urban density shot from the ground or horizontally across buildings, but seeing it from above via dr ...
Merging modern aesthetics with architectural traditions that are as old as humanity itself, these contemporary earth-sheltered homes are like hobbit ...
The world lost a star architect this week, trailblazing Iraqi-born Zaha Hadid, who was the first woman to receive the Royal Institute of British Arch ...
Taking farm-to-table approaches to new heights, a company in Berlin is putting small ...
Walk right out onto the surface of the sea or follow a path that takes you into a tranquil space beneath the waves at the ?Thematic Pavilion,? a most ...
Conceived of as a hybrid, multi-functional work of landscape architecture, this award-winning design proposes digging down to the bedrock beneath Cen ...
A half century or into the future, will New York City even still exist as it stands today, or will these fanciful and sometimes bizarre proposals get ...
Designed to dispel fears surrounding Muslim culture, practices and traditions, a new wide-open skyscraper design for New York City invites people of ...
Tentatively titled “Toilets at Dawn,†this photo series documents the strange phenomena of underground public bathrooms of urban London, ...
Sharing his findings via Instagram, an architectural photographer in Iran has begun documenting schools, mosques and cultural centers around the cou ...
With an entirely custom-built interior, a nine-foot-wide sliding glass door and a warm modern aesthetic, this grain silo converted to a compact home ...
Quite possibly the most filmed and photographed bridge in the world, the Sixth Street Viaduct, spanning the Los Angeles River, is a challenging icon ...
Incredibly accurate laser-scanning technology, precise down to a hundredth of a millimeter, has helped British architects not only plan a new structu ...
Sometimes it’s hard to see the potential hidden behind a mess of drop ceilings, darkening partition walls and hideously dated kitchens, but th ...
A new amusement offering on the 70th floor of the highest skyscraper on the West Coast is stepping up the game, going beyond glass viewing platforms, ...
Ice ain’t all it’s cracked up to be and neither are these obsolete & abandoned factories that once made it, as these 12 examples coldly ...
Load up a prefab cabin on a truck and drop it virtually anywhere you want to be. Rustic lodgings in remote locations aren’t what they used to ...
A joint project of Büro Ole Scheeren and the Office for Metropolitan Architecture, this skyscraper nearing completion in Bangkok, Thailand, feature ...
Chill out, soft-serve ice cream fans, these 12 abandoned Dairy Queen stores aren’t typical of the 75-year-old chain’s 4,000+ locations ...
Dramatic and sculptural, monolithic as a stone monument or light as a bridal veil, these churches, chapels and meditation rooms eschew conventional a ...
Following in the footsteps of the High Line (and Low Line) of New York City, the Underline project aims to take the underutilized space below Miamiâ ...
What’s on the menu at these abandoned chinese restaurants" Stereotypical architecture and signs displaying near-racist ?oriental? fonts, for s ...
Fed up with his fast-paced life in New York City, Foster Huntington quit his job, hopped into a Volkswagen van and traveled around the country before ...
London is filled with grafted facades, nearly two-dimensional artifacts held in place while updated buildings are constructed behind them; many see ...
Expertly blending the minimalist aesthetics of traditional Japanese architecture with modern sensibilities to meet the needs of contemporary resident ...
Suspended in time and place, only eagles dare go where these abandoned cable cars once reached as these glorified zip lines lost their zip long ago. ...
Designed for Astana, the cold capital city of Kazakhstan, this ‘white roof’ 1,000-foot ski run wraps around an apartment tower, bringin ...
Prefab structures jut out from the roofs of Paris? charming architecture, adding affordable real estate to the densely-packed, land-scarce city in th ...
Taking vertical urban indoor farming efficiency to the next level, a new automated plant coming to Japan will be staffed entirely by robots and produ ...
The developers behind a new tower rising in downtown Warsaw, Poland, have added a sunny surprise to the side of the building, aiming to brighten the ...
Successfully crowdfunded last year, the Smog Free Tower has just gone from concept to reality; these machines are now using green energy to create zo ...
Built in 1828, the first enclosed shopping mall in America now has affordable housing beyond its grand Ionic columns in place of cramped, struggling ...
Shed no racket tears for these abandoned tennis courts as there’s no bawls in tennis… OK, that’s out of line but these courts ARE ...
The new Freezeway pilot project now live in Edmonton aims to draw residents out of hibernation, encouraging them to skate along an iced trail system� ...
It looks more like an optical illusion or photo edit than a real dwelling, but this hundred-year-old halved townhouse really stands (out) on the stre ...
Fenced off or set back from streets and sidewalks and often raised on platforms as well, civic monuments are oddly ideal candidates for concealing a ...
When fine art and architecture intersect, especially in our modern era of parametric modeling and 3D printing, the results can be strikingly differen ...
Spotlighting the reflective, shimmering and transparent qualities of glass, architecture primarily made up of glazed volumes interacts with its envi ...
Brasilia was designed by visionary architects as a utopian city of tomorrow. Now that tomorrow’s arrived, it appears those plans haven’ ...
In the not-so-distant future, once we land-dwelling humans have exhausted all of our resources and trashed the climate-change-ravaged continents we l ...
A master of Modernism whose architectural legacy includes a range of monumental concrete structures around the world, Marcel Breuer remains divisive ...
The former USSR boasts some of the world?s weirdest and most hauntingly beautiful abandoned structures, from sci-fi monuments to prison camps and mil ...